Escape Arias. Monologue for Three voices and a Keyboard. 2009
Concept, space, scenic design by: Veronika Barnas
Concept, Text: Julya Rabinowich
with: Luisa Katharina Davids, Patricia Hirschbichler, Katharina Vötter; Wolf Dähne
GASTSPIEL: 2514 Traiskirchen, Hauptplatz 17, Kl.Stadtsaal, 25.-27.Juni 2010, 20:00 Uhr
WIEDERAUFNAHMEN: 02., 03., 06., 10., 11. November 2009, 19:30 Uhr
"Empfangsraum", Volkstheater Wien, Neustiftgasse 1, 1070 Wien
Uraufführung 31.05.2009 im "Empfangsraum", Volkstheater Wien
weitere Termine: 5., 12., 16 und 19. Juni, 19.30 Uhr
12. Juni: Diskussion im Weißen Salon mit:
Andreas Babler (Stadtrat Traiskirchen, Mary Kreutzer (Autorin, Journalistin),
Julya Rabinowich (Schriftstellerin), Roland Schönbauer (UNHCR-Sprecher).
Moderation: Peter Huemer
The long road to Europe is longer than you think.
Even after reaching safety, many have still not arrived.
Routes and stories of fleeing to Europe are traced following the fate of three women. The major, common theme is that of being uprooted, of persecution, alienation, longing and an attempt at redefinition.
But despite what they have in common, no dialogue emerges: the protagonists remain caught in their own words, unable to bridge the gap to an other. The voices of women are complemented and commented on by the "poster", whose words have been put together from original contributions in on-line forums.
In keeping with the emotionally and legally uncertain, complex situation of the three women, the "reception room" is transformed into a country-neutral, holding and transit space. Actors and audience move alike in this displaced (non-) space.
Supported by Zukunftsfonds der Republik Österreich
Photos: Lorenz Potocnik, Christoph Sebastian