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Veronika Barnaš

Lives and works as an artist and curator in Vienna. Her mode of artistic/research projects crosses genres (Visual art, theater and film) whereby the focus is on the investigation and representation of spatial, historical and biographical conjunctions as well as on public space.
Graduated at the University of Art and Design Linz (A) / Master Class „Metall“ and M.A. studies at the department space & designstrategies.

2022/23 IFK_Junior Fellow & Abroad Fellow at the International Research Center for Cultural Studies, Vienna (A)
2019/20 Lecturer at the Institute of Fine Arts and Cultural Studies/ University of Art and Design Linz (A)
2012 - 2019 Univ.Ass. at the Institute of Fine Arts and Cultural Studies and at the Institute of Art and
Education/ University of Art and Design Linz
2018- PhD studies at the Institute of Fine Arts and Cultural Studies/ University of Art and Design, Linz

- Barnaš, Veronika (2025), The invisible mobile practice of traveling show people. Insight and outlook at the transdisciplinary reserach on developing and creating visibility for precarious sources. In: Birgit Peter and Georg Vogt (Eds.), Digitale Straegien zur Erschließung prekärer Bestände. Vienna/Mainz University Press, 77-94. (peer-reviewed)
- Barnaš, Veronika (2020). Arbeit am Schwindel. Fahrende Schausteller*innen und mechanisch erzeugte Rauscherlebnisse auf Jahrmärkten. (Filmische) Einblicke in die Gegenwart und historischer Kontext (Working on Dizziness: Travelling Showpeople and Mechanically Generated Rush Experiences at Fairs. (Cinematic) Present-Day Insights and Historical Context). Österreichische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde (ÖZV), 1, 87-114. (peer-reviewed)
- Barnaš, Veronika (2020). Mastering entertainment. European Journal of Life Writing, 1, C1- C9. (peer-reviewed)
- Barnaš, Veronika (2017). Fahren, fahren, fahren. Die Referentin, Verein für Kulturelle Nahversorgung. 2,
3- 6.
- Art and Practice (eds.: Univ.Prof. Mag. art. Hubert Lobnig/Univ.Ass. Barnaš) (2017). Die Ordnung der Dinge/The Order of Things, documentation of the site-specific art project of Art and Practice, Linz: University of Art and Design Linz.
- Barnaš, Veronika (ed.) (2011). unORTnung. Eine Ausstellungsreihe in Wien. German/Engl., Vienna: Schlebrügge.Editor.

- On the Tracks of Itinerant Showpeople in the (Southern) Austrian Monarchy, at the 1st European Circus History Conference, London (GB) 02/2025
- Fahrende Schausteller:innen in Südtirol/Trentino von den 1880er bis 1930er Jahren, Bozner Gespräche zur Regionalgeschichte, Bozen (IT) 09/2025

- The Mobile Practice of Travelling Showpeople, 33rd AEMI Conference: "Intersection of Migration and Work", Ljubljana (SLO) 09/2023
- Attended Summerschool "Science at the Fair", Arts & Media Archaeology: Performing Science, Mediating Knowledge, University of Antwerp (BE) 09/2023
- Travelling Showpeople of Austria, Slovenian Migration Institute, Ljubljana (SLO) 04/2023
- Mastering entertainment. IFK-International Research Center for Cultural Studies, Vienna (A) 01/2023
- Travelling Showpeople of Austria at the workshop "Mobility as/and Resistance. The political Poject of
Nomadism", Mynooth University (IRL), online, 10/2022
- In the Tracks of Travelling Showpeople at the conference "Spaces and Locations of Migration",
Department of Social and Economic History University of Vienna (A), 05/2022
- Mobilitätsmultiplikator Jahrmarkt, IFK-Summeracademie, Vienna (A), 08/2021
- Screening / Q&A FAHREN/RIDING at the conference "ENTANGLED IM/MOBILITES", organized
by the Research Platform Mobile Cultures and Societies/ University of Vienna (A), 03/2021
- Körperliche Rauscherlebnisse am Jahrmarkt - Zur Geschichte der mechanischen Karusselle und Schaukeln auf Jahrmärkten vom 18. Jahrhundert bis heute. 10. Bonn Group for Eighteenth-Century Studies-Jahrestagung: Das 18. Jahrhundert in Film und Populärkultur, Universität Bonn, IAAK (Department of English, American, and Celtic Studies) (G), 10/2019
- “Subjective Cartography” as an Artistic and Academic Representational Mode of Biographies. International AutoBiography Association (IABA) Europe 2013: Beyond the Subject. New Developements in Life Writing. Vienna (A), 2013

Other (artistic/scientific) activities:
2020 - 2023 LinzIMpORT jury member (A)
2016/17 Curatorial assistance/ editor at the exhibition ‘Urfahraner Markt - 200 Jahre Linzer Lustbarkeiten’ at NORDICO Stadtmuseum Linz (A)
2012/13 Artistic-scientific assistant of the FWF PEEK-project Staging Knowledge - Inszenierung von Wissensräumen und performativer Kulturvermittlung at the University of Arts Linz, Institute of Fine Arts and Cultural Studies (A). Project lead: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Herbert Lachmayer
2006 - 2011 Stagedesign asisstant, Volkstheater Vienna (A)

Selected Projects: film/ exhibitions/fine art and theatre works
FAHREN/RIDING, documentary, 30 min, DCP, German/Engl. subtitles, 2020
Concept/Camera: Veronika Barnaš / Montage: Karin Hammer / Music: Bernhard Hammer
2020: Diagonale - Festival of Austrian Film, Graz (A) (cancelled) / Crossing Europe Film Festival
Linz (A) / Cinema Next, online (A) / dot dot dot, open air shortfilm festival, Vienna (A) /
Dokuart, Bjelovar (HR) / Cinema Next on Tour Graz (A)
2021: OktoTV, Oktoskop (A)

- METALL UND MEHR. Groupexhibition: Helmuth Gsöllpointners Meisterklasse. Landesgalerie Linz, 2020
- Art is Education, group exhibition at the Institute of Art and Education at the University of Arts Linz (A), 2016
- Walking & Talking Tbilisi - Alternative Routes and Stories during a residency at GeoAIR, Tbilisi (GE), 2015
- I am a Witness! Together with Susanne Scholl, Volkstheater Vienna (A), 2014
A remembrance soirée on the November Pogroms with accounts, cinematic contributions, performances
- Souvenir. Subjective Cartographien from Israel, 2013/14
- I am leaving. A scenographic essay with texts by Brigitte Schwaiger
Text collage, stage design, directed by: Veronika Barnaš, Black Salon, Volkstheater Vienna (A), Premiere: 15/11/2013
- Supersummativ. Groupexhibition Künstlervereinigung MAERZ, Linz (A), 2013
- Lost. Installation together with Paul Horn at the Sommerszene Salzburg (A), 2011
- Curation and realisation of the art in public space project AUSLAND by Gerald Roßbacher,
Jodok-Fink Platz, 1080 Vienna (A), within unORTnung VI. with Elke Krasny, 2011
- Creation and curation of the exhibition series unORTnung I.-VI.,Vienna (A), 2007-10
- Emerging. Taking Stock. "Reception Room", Volkstheater Vienna (A), Premiere: 02/06/2010
Concept, space, scenic design by: Veronika Barnaš / Concept, Text: Julya Rabinowich
- Escape Arias. Monologue for Three Voices and a Keyboard. “Reception Room”, Volkstheater Vienna (A), Premiere: 31/05/2009
Concept, stage design, directed by: Veronika Barnaš / concept, text: Julya Rabinowich;
- Linz Within the World. Mapping as part of the exhibition "Ugly duckling" by Lorenz Potocnik
at afo - architekturforum oberösterreich, Linz (A). 2009
- Road of Exile- Far?... From where? Exhibition on Austrian Exilewriters “Reception Room”, Volkstheater Vienna (AT), 2008
- The King Bows and Kills. Sequence of theatrical scenes of texts by Herta Müller from Veronika Barnaš, directed by: Markus Kupferblum, Stage: V. B., LENTOS Kunstmuseum Linz (A), Premiere: 5/5/2005